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"Hepatitis D" information

LiverAtlas Disease IDHuLDi00026
NameHepatitis D
Description Xref:
Definition1.INFLAMMATION of the LIVER in humans caused by HEPATITIS DELTA VIRUS, a defective RNA virus that can only infect HEPATITIS B patients. For its viral coating, hepatitis delta virus requires the HEPATITIS B SURFACE ANTIGENS produced by these patients. Hepatitis D can occur either concomitantly with (coinfection) or subsequent to (superinfection) hepatitis B infection. Similar to hepatitis B, it is primarily transmitted by parenteral exposure, such as transfusion of contaminated blood or blood products, but can also be transmitted via sexual or intimate personal contact. Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D003699
2.hepatitis caused by the Hepatitis delta virus in association with hepatitis B; it is endemic in some European countries and is seen in drug users, hemophiliacs, and polytransfused persons. Xref: UMLS2011AA:C0011226
SynonymHepatitis D InfectionEXACT Xref: UMLS2011AA:C0011226
Amazon Black FeverNARROW Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D003699
Black Fever, AmazonNARROW Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D003699
Delta HepatitisEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D003699
delta hepatitisEXACT Xref: CSP2005:1754-6994
Delta InfectionEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D003699
Delta SuperinfectionNARROW Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D003699
Delta SuperinfectionsNARROW Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D003699
Disease, LabreaNARROW Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D003699
Diseases, LabreaNARROW Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D003699
Fever, Amazon BlackNARROW Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D003699
Hepatitides, DeltaEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D003699
Hepatitis DEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D003699
hepatitis DEXACT Xref: HumanDO2011_6_18:DOID:2047
Hepatitis, DeltaEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D003699
Infection, DeltaEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D003699
Infections, DeltaEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D003699
Labrea DiseaseNARROW Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D003699
Labrea DiseasesNARROW Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D003699
Superinfection, DeltaNARROW Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D003699
Superinfections, DeltaNARROW Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D003699
XrefClinical Hepatology,2004.Page 392
Schiff's Diseases of the LIVER,10ed:Chapter 29
Genetics RelationGene/Protein/Pathway