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"Biliary cirrhosis" information

LiverAtlas Disease IDHuLDi00044
NameBiliary cirrhosis
Description Xref:
Definition1.FIBROSIS of the hepatic parenchyma due to obstruction of BILE flow (CHOLESTASIS) in the intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile ducts (BILE DUCTS, INTRAHEPATIC; BILE DUCTS, EXTRAHEPATIC). Primary biliary cirrhosis involves the destruction of small intra-hepatic bile ducts and bile secretion. Secondary biliary cirrhosis is produced by prolonged obstruction of large intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile ducts from a variety of causes. Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D008105
2.Cirrhosis of the liver caused either by destruction of the intrahepatic bile ducts (primary biliary cirrhosis) or blockage of the extrahepatic bile ducts (secondary biliary cirrhosis). Xref: UMLS2011AA:C0023892
SynonymBiliary CirrhosisEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D008105
biliary cirrhosisEXACT Xref: SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155815006
biliary cirrhosisEXACT Xref: SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:266540000
Biliary Cirrhosis, PrimaryNARROW Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D008105
Biliary Cirrhosis, SecondaryNARROW Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D008105
Cholangitis, Chronic Nonsuppurative DestructiveRELATED Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D008105
Cirrhosis, BiliaryEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D008105
Cirrhosis, cholestaticEXACT Xref: MTHICD9_2006:571.6
Cirrhosis, Secondary BiliaryNARROW Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D008105
Liver Cirrhoses, BiliaryEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D008105
Liver Cirrhosis, BiliaryEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D008105
Liver Cirrhosis, ObstructiveEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D008105
Obstructive Liver CirrhosisEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D008105
PBCNARROW Xref: Clinical Hepatology, 2004:Page 437
primary biliary cirrhosisNARROW Xref: CSP2005:4000-0298, HumanDO2011_6_18:DOID:12236
Primary biliary cirrhosisNARROW Xref: UMLS2011AA:C0008312
Primary Biliary CirrhosisNARROW Xref: Schiff's Diseases of the LIVER, 10ed:Chapter 24, MeSH2011_6_17:D008105
Secondary Biliary CirrhosisNARROW Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D008105
XrefClinical Hepatology,2004.Page 483
Genetics RelationGene/Protein/Pathway