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"Hepatitis C" information

LiverAtlas Disease IDHuLDi00024
NameHepatitis C
DescriptionHepatitis C is one type of hepatitis-a liver disease caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). It usually spreads through contact with infected blood. It can also spread through sex with an infected person and from mother to baby during childbirth. Most people who are infected with hepatitis C don't have any symptoms for years. A blood test can tell if you have it. Usually, hepatitis C does not get better by itself. The infection can last a lifetime and may lead to scarring of the liver or liver cancer. Medicines sometimes help, but side effects can be a problem. Serious cases may need a liver transplant. There is no vaccine for HCV. Xref: UMLS2011AA:C0019196
Definition1.INFLAMMATION of the LIVER in humans caused by HEPATITIS C VIRUS, a single-stranded RNA virus. Its incubation period is 30-90 days. Hepatitis C is transmitted primarily by contaminated blood parenterally, and is often associated with transfusion and intravenous drug abuse. However, in a significant number of cases, the source of hepatitis C infection is unknown. Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D006526
2.viral disease caused by hepatitis C virus; most common form of post transfusion hepatitis, also is a common acute sporadic hepatitis; may also follow parental drug abuse. Xref: UMLS2011AA:C0019196
3.INFLAMMATION of the LIVER in humans caused by HEPATITIS C VIRUS, a single-stranded RNA virus. Its incubation period is 30-90 days. Hepatitis C is transmitted primarily by contaminated blood parenterally, and is often associated with transfusion and intravenous drug abuse. However, in a significant number of cases, the source of hepatitis C infection is unknown. Xref: UMLS2011AA:C0019196
4.A viral infection caused by the hepatitis C virus. Xref: UMLS2011AA:C0019196
SynonymHepatitis CEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D006526
hepatitis CEXACT Xref: HumanDO2011_6_18:DOID:1883
hepatitis nonA nonBEXACT Xref: CSP2005:4000-0219
Hepatitis, Viral, Non-A, Non-B, Parenterally-TransmittedEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D006526
NANBHEXACT Xref: NCI2004_11_17:C3098
Parenterally Transmitted Non A, Non B HepatitisEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D006526
Parenterally-Transmitted Non-A, Non-B HepatitisEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D006526
PT-NANBHEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D006526
XrefClinical Hepatology,2004.Page 366
Schiff's Diseases of the LIVER,10ed:Chapter 30
Genetics RelationGene/Protein/Pathway