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"Variegate porphyria" information

LiverAtlas Disease IDHuLDi00105
NameVariegate porphyria
Description Xref:
Definition1.An autosomal dominant porphyria that is due to a deficiency of protoporphyrinogen oxidase (EC in the LIVER, the seventh enzyme in the 8-enzyme biosynthetic pathway of HEME. Clinical features include both neurological symptoms and cutaneous lesions. Patients excrete increased levels of porphyrin precursors, COPROPORPHYRINS and protoporphyrinogen. Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D046350
2.An autosomal dominant disorder of porphyria-heme metabolism. It is manifested with acute attacks including abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, seizures, anxiety, and confusion. Patients may experience skin sensitivity to sunlight. Xref: UMLS2011AA:C0162532
SynonymDeficiencies, Protoporphyrinogen OxidaseEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D046350
Porphyria VariegateEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D046350
Porphyria VariegatesEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D046350
Porphyria, VariegateEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D046350
Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase DeficiencyEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D046350
Protoporphyrinogen oxidase deficiencyEXACT Xref: SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:276264004
Variegate PorphyriaEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D046350, UMLS2011AA:C0162532
variegate porphyriaEXACT Xref: HumanDO2011_6_18:DOID:4346
Variegate, PorphyriaEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D046350
Variegates, PorphyriaEXACT Xref: MeSH2011_6_17:D046350
XrefClinical Hepatology,2004.Page 613
Genetics RelationGene/Protein/Pathway