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"D2G000242Ge01674800" information

LiverAtlasDisease Name Cross infection of hepatitis virus and HIV
Gene/Protein/Pathway Gene:IL28B
PhenotypeHepatitis C
Detection MethodText mining and Manually revised
Change TypeUncategorized
ConclusionIn treatment-naive HCV-1 patients treated with pegylated interferon and ribavirin, a polymorphism upstream of IL-28B is associated with increased on-treatment and sustained virologic response and effectively predicts treatment outcome.;The rs12979860 SNP located near the IL28B gene is associated with HCV treatment response in HIV-infected patients with HuLDi00025 due to genotypes 1 or 4. Thus, IL28B genotyping should be considered as part of the treatment decision algorithm in this difficult-to-treat population.;The SNP rs12979860 upstream of IL28B is associated with spontaneous clearance of HCV. Women with the C/T or T/T genotype who did not develop jaundice had a lower chance of spontaneous clearance of HCV infection.;An IL-28B polymorphism was associated with an SVR in patients infected with genotype 2/3 HCV who did not achieve a RVR. Analysis of IL-28B genotype might be used to guide treatment for these patients.